Three Lenses is Better Than One: How to Use iPhone Lenses to Change Perspective
Three Lenses is Better Than One: How to Use iPhone Lenses to Change Perspective
Until the release of the iPhone X in 2017, one glaring limitation of iPhones over a “real” camera was the single fixed lens that came with every one. Back in the day almost every compact digital camera came with a zoom lens that could shoot from wide angle (think real estate agents or landscapes) to 4x telephoto (think moms at their kids’ sports camps). iPhones had that all-purpose single lens that didn’t seem quite wide enough or long enough to do a great job of either. It was the digital equivalent of the Kodak Brownie camera. A compact camera with an average length lens that didn’t offer the same creative options as a real camera.
With the release of the iPhone 11 Pro last September, though, the 3 lens setup now offers some of the perspectives that zoom lenses do and it’s a lot of fun to use.
At first glance, zoom and lens length seems more of a convenience than a creative tool. Professional photographers, however, often use different lens lengths to change perspective in the photo and get different and interesting looks.
These images were taken at a local beach using the 3 different lenses on my iPhone 11 Pro to show how each lens creates a totally different perspective. They were all taken from the same spot.
This is a great exercise. It was actually the first shot - the telephoto of the 2 bathroom entrances - that caught my attention and got me to stop and shoot the scene. But looking at the sequence now, it's the last one with the ultra-wide view that I like the best. Next time you see something to shoot, find a spot and use the 3 lens (or 2 lens if you have an older iPhone) and study the perspective that a different lens can make. sometimes subtle, but important.