

Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Add your Pro’s images to Apple Photos

These days, a professional photo session generally includes a flash drive or download of the image files from the shoot. That can be just a couple photos for a head shot to hundreds of photos for a big event like a wedding or reunion.

Sadly, too many of those precious photos end up languishing on a flash drive in a drawer or in an online gallery that doesn’t get a second or third look. And if they are downloaded, the images may be saved in some obscure folder on the hard drive that rarely sees the light of day. But what’s worse than not being enjoyed is the real risk of losing those special photos altogether.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

How to Share Your Photos Like A Pro

Sharing your photos is one of the best paybacks of photography. Publishing your view of the world to family and friends. Social media and the internet has made it so easy to get your work out in front of other people and show off your creative side.

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