Every photo has an expiration date
It used to be, with film, that there were only two kinds of photos. The Keepers and the Discards. Either a picture was worthy of printing or it wasn’t. The iPhone changed all that. Here’s how to manage your Photos Library and keep it under control.
Why iCloud Is Like A Highway Service Stop
iCloud is just like that gas station along the highway where $2 gets me a quick, accurate tire service on a rainy night. I’m thrilled that it’s there. I’ll pay a little extra for the convenience. And I’ll probably pay more attention to my tire pressure just because I don’t have to crawl around and fuss with the tire gauge thingy to get the proper pressure.
How to Clear Out The Clutter and Save Your Mac (Part 2 of 2)
Yesterday we discussed the possibility that your Mac is actually functioning fine, it's just stuffed. Fortunately, it's not that hard to fix.
How to Clear Out The Clutter and Save Your Mac (Part 1 of 2)
Once or twice a month I get a call from someone who wants advice on buying a new Mac. It's fun. I love helping people who are excited about the Apple ecosystem and want to find ways to take their Apple experience to the next level.