Welcome to Big Sur - Everything Old is New Again

California Dreamin'

The cool thing about owning a Mac is that you get a new one for free every year about this time. Apple, always pushing the boundaries of tech awesomeness, has been upgrading the Mac operating system each year with new looks and features designed to make us want their stuff even more than we already do. The little scamps. This year, the California themed upgrade is Big Sur. Available at a download near you. 

Big Sur. How can you not want that? I'd probably buy if it wasn't free, just for the memories . . .

That's another story. 

The thing is that as much as we love the industrial design and tactile appeal of Apple products, it's the software that's the soul of the experience and, ultimately, what sparks our imaginations. 

This is a good time to speak to peoples' reluctance about doing software upgrades at all. Why break it if it's finally fixed? 

I get it. Having to relearn a little this or that. Worried that your favorite shortcut to do X got lost among the "improvements" that the new software delivers. Afraid that the app you loved to dress up their emails won't work anymore. 

I know. 

But, really. Kids leave home. The dog changed your whole routine. Pumpkin spice latte's will soon be gone - GONE!! - until next September. And we learned to wear masks because it's important. 

You CAN do it. And somehow, whatever anxiety that Big Sur (doesn't that just sound great?) brings to your routine, a year from now you'll be wondering how you got along without it. Really. 

So, yes, I recommend doing the upgrade after it has a chance to settle in. I usually wait until the first or second update comes out and then plunge in. We can't stop this train even if we wanted to, and truthfully, it's pretty neat. 

Also, even though the look gets updated each year, the functions are not that different than what you're used to. What you get is better security, cooler features, and software that can take advantage of the newest hardware. It's almost like getting a new car each year. 

So let Big Sur settle for a few weeks and spend the time cleaning up your iPhone/iPad/Mac, then take the plunge and see what the next year brings. I know I am.


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