

Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

2020 ~ Gone in a Flash?

2020 is a remarkable year for the number of things that went away; from the corner news stand to a crowd-packed Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Most of it was caused by the pandemic, but not all. It was easy to overlook those things that just died a natural death.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Use Days, Months, and Years to De-clutter Your Photos Collection

Let Apple Photos do the de-cluttering for you. It turns out that if you hop over one tab from All Photos to Days, that clutter disappears! Same with Months and Years. Photos is smart enough to hide anything that doesn't seem "on brand" for your usual photo browsing.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Are All Your iPhone Photos Safely Backed Up? Really, Really Backed Up.

As a lover of photos in general, and the caretaker of my own family picture library, it tears me apart whenever I hear someone caught in that terrible place. That one where their iPhone is crushedsoakedloststolendeadgone and it's the only place their honeymoonnewbornlatefatheroldfriend's photos exist.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

How To Use Manual Settings on iPhone Camera

With a few standard settings, iPhone photography is now the gold standard for point-and-shoot picture taking. But it's also fun to put your own spin on your creative work, and the iPhone Camera app makes that possible too.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Have You Checked In On Your Memories Lately?

If you've skipped past the MEMORIES tab in For You on the iPhone or just below Photos in the Mac Photos sidebar, you have to go back and give it a little attention right now. Slow down. Be seated. And bring a hankie.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Why iCloud Makes Apple Photos Work Like Magic

iCloud was the first and arguably the best known of all the popular cloud computer services, but it's also the least understood. Features rival the offerings of Dropbox, Amazon, and Google, but what sets iCloud apart is how it enables and supports the whole Apple ecosystem.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Use Live Photo Mode for Cool Fireworks Photos

For me, Fourth of July Fireworks are the milestone that officially launches Summer. June is a tentative month, with one foot in the work/school/graduation/picnic/beach transition. July is the real stuff. And fireworks are the starting gun. If there are any fireworks in your plans, here is a cool way to capture them.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Welcome to Big Sur - Everything Old is New Again

Apple, always pushing the boundaries of tech awesomeness, has been upgrading the Mac operating system each year with new looks and features designed to make us want their stuff even more than we already do. The little scamps. This year, the California-themed upgrade is Big Sur.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

How To Animate Your Live Photos in an Email

If ever there was a case for motion, it's email. Email can be boring. Text kind of sits on the page, hoping you'll connect. It's tough to format and impossible to predict how the message will look in someone else's mailbox. A good picture can add interest, but what really stands out is movement.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Share The Love With Custom Postcards

I've always liked postcards. They're one of those simple things in life that are at once trivial and priceless. I exchanged weekly mailings with Pam when we were dating across the country.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What to do when your time is out of control

What's cool about Apple Photos is that it lets you see your entire photo collection all in one place. You can drop all your old pictures right in the library along with the iPhone shots you took just yesterday. Your whole life right there in your pocket.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Same Time Last Year - Simple Time Travel in Apple Photos

I’m a sucker for “on this day in history” websites that offer timely trips down memory lane. It’s probably caused me a month of wasted time over the years of internet surfing. Of course it’s contributed mightily to more than one round of Trivial Pursuit, so I guess it all balances out in the end.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

Auto Organizing Your Pictures in Apple Photos

When I was somewhat younger than now, I tended to leave all my clothes where they fell, thinking, I suppose, that my house elf would fold and stash them away in my bedroom closet and chest of drawers.

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Paul Einarsen Paul Einarsen

What The Heck Is Apple Photos?

If you ask people what they use to manage pictures on their iPhone, they probably won't say “Apple Photos.” Same for their Mac. Or iCloud for that matter. And it doesn’t help that the name of what it is is the same as what it does.

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